Today we will be setting up nexus repository manager using docker
Creating and running the container
First, we will start by creating a volume to keep the data persistent in case the container stops for any reason
docker volume create --name nexus-data
next, we are going to run the container with the sonatype/nexus3 image
docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --name nexus -v nexus-data:/nexus-data sonatype/nexus3
by default, nexus repository manager runs on port 8081
Now, we will give it a minute or two to initialize
Now by visiting the url, we can see that nexus has initialized
We can also test this using curl
The next step we need to do is get the admin password which is auto generated on the initial launch of the container.
As stated in the documentation, Default user is admin
and the uniquely generated password can be found in the admin.password
file inside the volume.
Getting the admin password
We will cat the password out to our console by using docker exe
docker container exec nexus cat nexus-data/admin.password
which should return something like the following
Where efecafa7–767a-4260–8fff-7d202decce80 is the password
Now we are able to login into nexus’s admin panel
and from there, we can setup nexus and create different repositories according to our need.
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